We asked you to nominate Germany's top emerging social innovators - and you seriously delivered!
From the hundreds of fantastic nominations that we received, we have selected 50 finalists who are challenging the status quo by developing creative solutions to the world's most challenging social problems.
From this list, 10 winners will be selected by our expert jury and will be announced at the tbd* SITW Award Ceremony later this summer. So stay tuned!
In the meantime, thank you for all your excellent nominations and congratulations to these incredible innovators who are fighting for a better future.
tbd*s Top 50 Social Innovators to Watch Germany 2017
1. Education & Empowerment
- Michael Senf, Hero Education
- Steffen Gentsch, mehr als lernen
- Karin Heinzl, MentorMe
- Tina Röbel, Tina Röbel - Coaching für ein gutes Leben
- Marie Rüdiger, Tafelhelden
2. Community & Networks
- Anke M. Leitzgen, #stadtsache
- Katharina Jung, GlobalMatch
- Claudia Winkler, goood
- Roland Philippi, Warless World
- Anne-Sophie Pahl, youvo
- Christian Vollmann, nebenan.de
3. Development
- Cristina Arau, LOVE FOR LIFE
4. Fair Trade & Sustainable Products
- Hendrik Reimers, fairafric
- Arianna Nicoletti, The Green Fashion Tours Berlin
- Martin Kluck, Kipepeo-Clothing
- Maximilian Schay, my Boo
- Viktoria Schmidt, nearBees
5. Refugees & Migration
- Madita Best, Daheim
- Zarah Bruhn und Maximilian Felsner, Social-Bee
- Cornelia Röper, Wefugees
- Benjamin Jürgens, Gastrolotsen
6. Society & Welfare
- Daniel Gyamerah, Vielfalt entscheidet
- Micha Bohmeyer, Mein Gruneinkommen
- Alexander Wragge, Die Offene Gesellschaft
- Sven Stegemann, Open State
- Samuel Andert, Ovie
7. Health & Inclusion
- Lesly Mariela Castro Garcia, The Highly Sensitive App
- Marc Aurel Engels, media4care
8. Art, Culture & Science
- Daniel Kister, Kunst aber gut
- Alexander Naydenov, PaperHive
9. Environment & Climate
- Torsten Schreiber, Solarcontainer, Africa GreeenTec
- Philipp Hollberg, CAALA
- Carina Mentrup, VR Saving Planet A
1. Education & Empowerment
- Mark Fliegauf, On Purpose
- Christian Ehl, The DO School
2. Refugees & Migration
- Hila Azadzoy, Kiron Open Higher Education
3. Society & Welfare
- Lev Nazarov, pfandraising
- Alexander Brandl und Stefan Raab ,Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz - Kreisverband Cham, Project "Erste-Hilfe-Ausbildung für gehörlose Mitmenschen"
- Markus Lux, Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Thomas Pilz, DayCare Technology
4. Environment & Climate
- Arne Knöchel, waldmenschen
Projects & Organizations:
1. Education & Empowerment
- Education Innovation LAB
- Studierendeninitiative Weitblick Münster, Project: "Uni baut Uni"
- Teach First Deutschland
2. Community & Networks
3. Development
4. Refugees & Migration
5. Environmemt & Climate
6. Sustainable Consumption